I’ve come a long way from when I started her program and there’s more that I still want to achieve. Kirsten has given me the guidance, encouragement and support that I needed and continues to help me progress towards my goals.
There are a myriad programs and products promising to help you get healthy and to lose the extra kilos that have jumped on in 30 days, 6 or 12 weeks etc.
They promise a lot.
If you’ve tried one and got some results in the beginning but eventually ended up back where you began or worse, then you’ve tried them all. They simply fail to deliver long-term results and success.
What I love about my client Jodie is that when she came to me she had a realistic expectation of how long it would take to get in the shape she wanted. Right from the outset she set herself up for success by not only deciding to make her health a priority, but by taking a long-term sustainable approach to it.
It’s been wonderful for me to have had the privilege of being able to work with her step-by-step over the years to help her achieve the results she wanted. Every body is unique.
It takes time for each client to learn what they have to do, to implement the work and to give themselves the time to learn from their failures as much as from their successes.
No one expects to build a business in 30 days or 12 weeks, so why would we expect to build a great body in that time??
Jodie has been learning over the years what foods work for her and what foods don’t. How much food she needs to eat to have great energy, to lose the extra kilos, and to get in shape.
She’s been learning how much exercise she needs to do each week to get the results she wants.
She’s learning how to manage her weekends so that she has the right foods on hand to help her achieve her goals.
Jodie knows that the only way she’ll be around for decades to come, to watch her kids grow up and have families of their own, is by doing the work now to ensure that (with what’s within her power) she can.